Archive for November, 2016

Knowledge Ain’t Wisdom

November 30, 2016

Zac Price and I were talking recently and I made the comment, “Knowledge ain’t wisdom.”  We stopped, looked at each other and he said, “You should write that down. I did. It‘s actually true…knowledge ain’t wisdom…but what is it?  My friend, Andrew Kautz offers, “ Knowledge is knowing how to do something… wisdom is knowing why you shouldn’t.” Excellent.
Author John Maxwell shares this fabulous story.
In a large production plant, the main machine which handled nearly everything in the plant suddenly stopped working.  Panic ensued. The employees tried everything they could think of to no avail.
The plant manager finally called in an expert.
The expert walked around the machine. The expert looked at this.  The expert looked at that. The expert checked things out for about an hour and finally, he took out a hammer and stepped over to a certain spot on the machine…tapped it gently…and the machine roared back to life.
The manager and all the employees applauded and the expert packed up and left.
The next day, the expert came and presented his bill.  $1000.  The manager said, “I’m not paying this. I was with you the whole time, all you did was walk around and then take out your hammer and tap the machine.  I’m not paying this. I need an itemized bill.”
The expert left.
He returned the next day with a new itemized bill which read, “For taking hammer out of pack and tapping on machine-$1.00; For knowing where to tap-$999.00”
That’s wisdom….knowing where to tap.
Wisdom in the music business is much the same.  Pitching songs, artits or ideas is easy…anyone can do it  The wisdom lies in knowing where to pitch…when to pitch… and to whom. Or in knowing the guy who knows where, when and to whom to pitch.
Thanks to Zac, Andrew and John.
Here is a link to Zac Price’s new single  “He Ain’t Me.”

Until next time, friends….be nice!

Chris Keaton is a Nashville TN based entertainment industry executive, music consultant, bon vivant and lover of great music, wine, fashion and fast cars.

Never Surrender

November 29, 2016

I enjoy listening to Joel Osteen.  I know some people don’t but that’s okay. He tells a story about Jake, a man who refused to surrender. In the 1950s Jake really wanted a to get a job, but no one in his hometown was hiring.  So, he thought about where he would most likely be able to find a job and he chose New York.

Since these were the days before computers or the internet, Jake went to the library and looked up the names of some department stores in New York.  He found one retailer with 375 outlets. He thought this would be his best shot.

Again, since there were no computers or internet in those days, coupled with the fact Jake did not even have a typewriter, he hand wrote cover letters and resumes…375 of them and mailed each one to each location of the store.

He patiently awaited the response.

Unfortunately, none came.

Refusing to surrender, Jake borrowed enough money from friends and family to buy a bus ticket to New York with just enough money to stay about a week.

When he arrived in New York, Jake was astounded at the skyscrapers and all of the people. He made his way to one of the retail stores near Times Square.  Before he went in, he stood in awe of the great city.

When he entered the store, he quickly found the manager and introduced himself.  He asked, “Did you get my letter inquiring about a job?” The manager shook his head and said, “No, all of those resumes and letters get forwarded to our central personnel office. I can tell you how to get there if you like.” Jake got the directions from the manager, thanked him and made his way to the personnel office, ten blocks away.

Jake arrived at the personnel office and was greeted by a pretty receptionist.  Jake introduced himself and asked, “Did you get my letter inquiring about a job?” The receptionist smiled and asked him to wait a moment as she went to her boss’ office.

The receptionist returned and asked Jake to accompany her to the personnel director’s office.  Jake was ushered into the office where a man was seated behind a big desk. The man introduced himself and Jake asked, “Did you get my letter inquiring about a job?”

The man smiled and placed his hand on a large stack of papers and said, “Yes, in fact we got 375 of them.”  He smiled again and said, “We knew that anyone as driven as you would show up sometime.  Can you start tomorrow?”

Never surrender…when the odds seem to be against you, double down…375 times!

Until next time, friends….be nice!

New Glasses

November 28, 2016

The late, great Zig Ziglar used to tell a wonderful story about being fitted for a new pair of glasses.  In the story, he relates that after he was fitted with a new pair of glasses he saw things so much clearer. Then it occurred to him that, in effect, that was what he tried to do in his work…..give people a new way to see things clearer.

In some small way I hope I am doing the same for you.

There is certainly enough negativity around us and if we aren’t careful, it can be easy to join in the chorus of boo birds. But that’s not who I am and I’m pretty sure (since you’re still reading these posts) that’s not who you are either.

My dad was an optometrist and for me to have these opportunities to share ideas which may make you see things clearer is, I think, a fitting tribute to my dad’s memory. I may slip from time to time, but my goal is to send out good feelings, love and gratitude in the hope that sharing those thoughts will be the new set of lenses through which you view your world.

Thank you for the chance to share these ideas.

Until next time, friends….be nice!

Chris Keaton is a Nashville TN based entertainment industry executive, music consultant, bon vivant and lover of great music, wine, fashion and fast cars.

The Tunnel Lesson

November 27, 2016

All of us experience peaks and valleys in life. Joy and sadness. Love and loss. What we must always remember when the unavoidable mountains appear is the Tunnel Lesson (adapted here from author Madelyn Swift).

Misfortune is going to happen to everyone from time to time…that is a given. We are all going to have problems and we must come to expect them in this life. Knowing these obstacles are part of life allows us to “expect tunnels in our life” and act accordingly.

So, we must always remember “tunnels can be navigated”, problems can be solved and hard times can be endured. Some tunnels are darker than others and our driving skills and headlights must be good enough to get us through. We might even sometimes require the help of others to get through the tunnel, but we can make it through the darkness.

The most important key to the Tunnel Lesson is this: “There is light at the end of every tunnel.” Never surrender. Never give up hope for your dreams. Adversity will always pass and we can all endure suffering by remembering this key; in fact, we will be stronger because of the problems. Keep seeking that silver lining and know that your music changes peoples’ lives.

Songwriters and artists face seemingly insurmountable odds every day. But, that light at the tunnel’s end is calling out to you. Your journey is a noble and worthy one. Please don’t give up.

Until next time, friends….be nice!

Chris Keaton is a Nashville TN based entertainment industry executive, music consultant, bon vivant and lover of great music, wine, fashion and fast cars.

A Saturday Story

November 26, 2016

Here is a story which begs to be retold.  Unfortunately, I don’t remember where I first read this so I cannot acknowledge the author.  Nevertheless, it speaks to me and I hope it speaks to you, as well.
A young man was called to the principal’s office.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t the first time. But this time, when he entered the principal’s office, the mood was different.

The principal rose the greet the young man and said, “I need to apologize to you.”  The young man was a bit confused as he took his seat.

The principal continued, “Every time you have been sent here before, I thought you were just a young troublemaker and I wasn’t sure we could find a place for you to fit in….but I was wrong, and for that I apologize.”  He picked up a folder from his desk and opened it. “These are your test scores from the aptitude test you were given last week…they are among the highest in the school.  I apologize.  I misjudged you.  You are indeed among the brightest students in this school.  When you leave next year to go to high school, I am certain that you will do well.  Again, I apologize to you.”

With that, the young man was dismissed and he left the room, beaming.  The principal picked up the telephone and called the high school principal and began to brag the young man so the high school principal would be aware that such a gifted young man was soon to enter the high school.

Two years later, the principal was at his desk working.  He always kept a stack of memories on his desk, things of which he was most proud, so that, from time ti time, he could reflect and remember some of the high points. He picked up the young man’s folder and as he reviewed it, he noticed something he had not noticed before….a typo…a math error on the test score.  He shook his head in disbelief as he realized the test score should have been low….very low.

In a state of near panic, he left his office and went straight to the high school.  he rushed into the principal’s office and said, “ I am very sorry, but I made a terrible mistake two years ago.”  he explained that he had just reviewed the young man’s test scores and discovered the mistake.

The high school principal sat up in his chair with a puzzled look and exclaimed, “You must be mistaken!”  The elementary school principal assured him he was not.

“This cannot be true,” the high school principal continued.  “That young man is one of our our top students….he is first in his class academically.”

The moral here is simple…..confidence in oneself, even if it is based on a mistake, wins the day.  Perhaps Henry Ford said it best with, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.”
When someone believes in you, it can make ALL the difference. Create your own defining moment by making a difference in someone’s life by believing in them.

Until next time, friends….be nice!

Chris Keaton is a Nashville TN based entertainment industry executive, music consultant, bon vivant and lover of great music, wine, fashion and fast cars.

Nordista Freeze and Rocky Block

November 25, 2016

I’m calling them out. I’m naming names.  They deserve some attention so I’m going to do what I can.
These are two young rockstars in training. And I do mean in training.  Neither is sitting around waiting for something to happen.  Neither is making the mistake of hoping “the guy” will show up and make them stars.  They are working. And working hard.
I met Nordista Freeze several years ago when he was a student at Lipscomb Academy in Nashville.  I first saw him perform at the annual student talent show and I was smitten with his unbridled passion.  He was (and still is) the personification of reckless abandon on stage.
He and I have grown close through the Joshua Project at Lipscomb University (where he is a sophomore in the Commercial Music school at the College of Entertainment and the Arts). Nordista is always writing, reading, booking shows, hatching ideas for shows, writing new material and performing.
Rocky’s late dad, Billy was a dear friend of mine. I am blessed to count his mother, Jill as a friend, too. My daughter and I attended one of Rocky’s shows recently and I was blown away.  The voice. The look. The stage presence and his ease of being…he truly is a born performer.  And he has a perfectly soulful demeanor which delivers his heartfelt and honest songs.
Rocky and Nordista both know that secret that SO many artists miss (in fact, some don’t even know it exists).  I don’t know where they learned it or if it just came to them but it’s obvious they know. (Maybe Nordista and Rocky don’t even know they know…which makes it all the more special!) They both possess the intuition for anticipating what the audience wants even before the audience themselves even know what they want…and they deliver. It’s a powerful, magical thing to witness.
Music changes peoples’ lives and Nordista and Rocky are changing lives and creating memories every day. It’s going to be great fun being a fan of both of these gentlemen and being able to say I knew them when.

Until next time, friends….be nice!

Chris Keaton is a Nashville TN based entertainment industry executive, music consultant, bon vivant and lover of great music, wine, fashion and fast cars.

Happy Thanksgiving

November 24, 2016

Thank you for your continued friendship and support.  I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.
Until next time, friends….be nice!

Chris Keaton is a Nashville TN based entertainment industry executive, music consultant, bon vivant and lover of great music, wine, fashion and fast cars.

Another Challenge

November 23, 2016

Recently I issued my Gratefulness Challenge and I hope you accepted.  For those of you who didn’t I’m going to break it down even further.  This will be easy.
It won’t take but a second.
It doesn’t require any energy other than a thought.
You can get it over with quickly and get on with the more important stuff in your day.
Today, make eye contact and smile at someone you don’t even know.
That’s it. Thank you.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

Until next time, friends….be nice!

Chris Keaton is a Nashville TN based entertainment industry executive, music consultant, bon vivant and lover of great music, wine, fashion and fast cars.

Let It Go

November 22, 2016

Ever have one of those days where you get so angry at someone or something that you just can’t shake it?  Or has someone done something to you or said something about you that still drives you crazy?

Me, too.  But starting today I’m letting it go.  It doesn’t matter anymore.  It’s over.  What’s done is done…Gone…Fini.

And here’s why…once I release that negative energy, it’s gone and leaves an empty space.  Nature won’t allow an empty space so I going to fill that empty space with positive thoughts and energy.

And guess what?  I’m going to feel better and make the people around me feel better, too.

The late comedian Buddy Hackett may have said it best…”I’ve had a few arguments with people, but I never carry a grudge. You know why? While you’re carrying a grudge, they’re out dancing.”

Until next time, friends….be nice!

Chris Keaton is a Nashville TN based entertainment industry executive, music consultant, bon vivant and lover of great music, wine, fashion and fast cars.

David Dunaway

November 21, 2016

In August 2015, I started working part time at Macy’s at the Mall at Green Hills.  The entire Green Hills store team has accepted and accommodated me in every way imaginable and I could not be more grateful.  But there is one person who deserves to be called out…David Dunaway.

I met David even before I worked there.  As a customer, he always greeted me with a welcoming smile and a helpful manner, the same he has for every customer.

Working with him has been unbelievable…in every conceivable way! He has taught me about the store. He has taught me how to treat customers and earn their loyalty.  (He has customers who will not even THINK about having anyone else assist them!)  And unknowingly, he has taught me about perseverance. He seemingly knows everything about that store…we even joke that he knows the location of every item in the Kroger across the street! The fact of the matter is that I would not be able to do my job as well as I do without the assistance David has given and continues to give.

Not everyone “gets” him, but for some reason, we really have hit it off.  He and I have found a way to compliment each others’ style of working and we make a really good team.  We certainly laugh more than we should but the customers and fellow employees are definitely entertained. We can share a joke with just a wink or a knowing look.

I don’t have near the challenges in my life that David has faced.  But he keeps on keeping on. Like the Energizer Bunny.  He is a dedicated divorced father and caretaker of two children.  He is the employee and friend on whom you may always count. He may get down but he will never be counted out. In my mind, he is unstoppable and a real, honest to goodness hero. I treasure his friendship.

As we enter this week of Thanksgiving, I am very grateful to call David my friend.

Thank you, David!

Until next time, friends….be nice!

Chris Keaton is a Nashville TN based entertainment industry executive, music consultant, bon vivant and lover of great music, wine, fashion and fast cars.